Friday, June 21, 2013

My First Bear Sighting in the Colorado Mountains!

Bear Proof

Today I saw my first wild bear in the Colorado Rocky Mountains!  My mom looked outside when our dog barked and was like "OMG!  There's a bear walking through the pony field!"  I practically fell over trying to get to the window.  When I looked outside, there was in fact an adorable little black bear walking through the field!

I grabbed my camara and we all (my grandmother, mother and I) rushed downstairs and outside.  I know, it's seems insane to go outside when there's a bear so close.  By the time we got outside the bear was pretty far away.  I didn't get any pictures where you could actually see the bear but my grandmother did and I have displayed it above.  

The ponies were fine by the way.  My pony had just finished rolling and my mom's horse was out of sight.  We joked that he had fainted when he saw the bear.  He's silly like that.  Anyhow, seeing the bear was really amazing. The experience has completely changed me...  Or rather my room decor.  I want lot's of  bear decorations now!

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